Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism does exactly this. Delving into Marx’s most influential works, such as Capital, The Grundrisse, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, The German Ideology and The Communist Manifesto, Christian Fuchs draws out Marx’s concepts of machinery, technology, communication and ideology, all of which anticipate major themes of the digital age.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Marx is Back – The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today
Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco
2. Towards Marxian Internet Studies
Christian Fuchs
3. Digital Marx: Toward a Political Economy of Distributed Media
Andreas Wittel
4. The Relevance of Marx’s Theory of Primitive Accumulation for Media and Communication Research
Mattias Ekman
5. The Internet and “Frictionless Capitalism”
Jens Schröter
6. Digital Media and Capital’s Logic of Acceleration
Vincent R. Manzerolle and Atle Mikkola Kjøsen
7. How Less Alienation Creates More Exploitation? Audience Labour on Social Network Sites
Eran Fisher
8. The Network’s Blindspot: Exclusion, Exploitation and Marx’s Process-Relational Ontology
Robert Prey
9. 3C: Commodifying Communication in Capitalism
Jernej Prodnik
10. The Construction of Platform Imperialism in the Globalisation Era
Dal Yong Jin
11. Foxconned Labour as the Dark Side of the Information Age: Working Conditions at Apple’s Contract Manufacturers in China
Marisol Sandoval
12. The Pastoral Power of Technology. Rethinking Alienation in Digital Culture
Katarina Giritli Nygren and Katarina L Gidlund 13. The Problem of Privacy in Capitalism and Alternative Social Media: The Case of Diaspora*
Sebastian Sevignani 14. ‘A Workers’ Inquiry 2.0’: An Ethnographic Method for the Study of Produsage in Social Media Contexts
Brian Brown and Anabel Quan-Haase 15. Social Media, Mediation and the Arab Revolutions
Miriyam Aouragh
16. Marx in the Cloud
Vincent Mosco
About Author:
Christian Fuchs is an Austrian social scientist. From 2013 until 2022 he was Professor of Social Media and Professor of Media, Communication & Society at the University of Westminster, where he also was the Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI). Since 2022, he is Professor of Media Systems and Media Organisation at Paderborn University in Germany. He also known for being the editor of the open access journal tripleC: Communications, Capitalism & Critique. The journal’s website offers a wide range of critical studies within the debate of capitalism and communication. This academic open access journal publishes new articles, special issues, calls for papers, reviews, reflections, information on conferences and events, and other journal specific information. Fuchs is also the co-founder of the ICTs and Society-network which is a worldwide interdisciplinary network of researchers who study how society and digital media interact. He is the editor of the Open Access Book Series “Critical, Digital and Social Media Studies” published by the open access university publishing house University of Westminster Press that he helped establish in 2015.
Added Date: 30/11/2023 4:12:43 PM
Last update: 30/11/2023 4:36:57 PM
کریستین فوکس یکی از مهمترین نظریهپردازان انتقادی ارتباطات در روزگار ماست. او در این کتاب به سراغ مفاهیمی میرود که برای نظریهای انتقادی در باب رسانه و ارتباطات در قرن ۲۱ ضروری است. فوکس با توجه به نوشتههای مارکس، تلقی او را از مفاهیم ماشینآلات و فناوری و ارتباطات و ایدئولوژی استخراج میکند، مفاهیمی که جملگی زمینهساز تحلیل مضامین اصلی عصر دیجیتالاند.
درباره نویسنده:
کریستین فوکس، استاد کرسی سیستمهای رسانه و سازماندهی رسانه در دانشگاه پادربورن آلمان است. زمینه های تخصصی او مطالعات انتقادی دیجیتال و رسانه های اجتماعی، اینترنت و جامعه، اقتصاد سیاسی رسانه و ارتباطات، نظریه جامعه اطلاعاتی، نظریه اجتماعی و نظریه انتقادی است. وی نویسنده مقالات متعددی در این زمینه است.