Unpack feelings with color in this international bestseller that helps young readers identify emotions and feel more in control.
One day, Color Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad, and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through color. As this adorable monster learns to sort and define his mixed up emotions, he gains self-awareness and peace as a result. Everyone will enjoy sharing this concept book that taps into both socio-emotional growth and color concepts in a simple, friendly way.
About Author:
Original Title: El Monstere De Colors
Author and Illustrator: Anna Llenas
Translator: Sahar Tarhandeh
ISBN: 978-622-6630-48-1
Added Date: 8/04/2021 5:54:06 PM
Last update: 14/12/2023 10:44:14 AM
این موجود عجیبوغریب گیج، هیولای رنگها است. نمیداند چه اتفاقی افتاده که اینطوری آشفته و هاجوواج مانده است. انگار احساساتش قاطیپاطی شده. احساسات دیگر چیست؟ چطور میشود این رنگهایی که بههم ریخته را جدا کرد؟ بیا به هیولای رنگها کمک کنیم.
درباره نویسنده:
عنوان اصلی: El Monstere De Colors
نویسنده و تصویرگر: آنا یناس
مترجم: سحر ترهنده